330pm_section : Final Presentations 4-7pm
num | ready? | description | exam date |
330pm_section | true | Final Presentations 4-7pm | Thu 06/11 04:00PM |
Final Presentations for 3:30pm section
- 4-7pm, Thursday June 11th (original finals slot)
Each group will have up to 10 minutes for a prepared presentation.
This will be followed by 10 minutes of live exploration of the app by the instructor, plus questions. Each member of the group should be available for the question session.
The ten presentation should include a demo, as well as a discussion of technical matters.
Technical matters to cover:
- Authorization and Authentication (if applicable)
- Database technologies used (if applicable)
- External APIs or libraries used (if applicable)
- Testing strategies (unit test, integration test, end-to-end tests)
- Setup needed for app (configuration to get up a running instance.)
Additional Notes:
- Presentations will be in a Zoom session to which the entire class is invited.
- While the entire class is invited to watch the entire session, you are only responsible for attending the portion when your team is presenting.
- Presentations will be recorded. The recording will only be viewed by course staff for purposes of evaluation.
The final presentation will be part of a holistic review of the team’s final product, including the presentation, as well as the team’s production implementation, and the code in it’s repo.
Various factors will include:
- Prepared Presentation: Clarity and content of presentation
- Question and Answer session: Clarity and content of answers
- App Functionality:
- Suitability for purpose: How well does the app address the user’s needs?
- Challenge: Did the group take on a challenging problem or a very simple one?
- User Interface:
- Is the user interface easy to use, or challenging to figure out?
- Is the user interface consistent? (e.g. user interface elements are nicely aligned rather than weirdly and haphazardly placed on the screen.)
- Is the user interface pleasing to the eye?
- Testing Strategies:
- Is there a documented test strategy linked to from the README.md file?
- Does the test strategy include unit, integration and end-to-end testing?
- How extensive is the test coverage?
- Review of Code
- Does the code have a clear structure?
- Is the code DRY?
- Are names (variables,functions,components,methods,classes) clear and appropriate?
- Software Process
- How often do issues have clear acceptance criteria and user stories?
- How often are PRs linked to issues and vice-versa?
- Are the explanation in PRs clear?
- Are the commit messages clear?