lab02 : MVP Demo Video

num ready? description assigned due
lab02 true MVP Demo Video Tue 04/21 04:00PM Thu 05/07 03:00PM

lab02 is a team-based grade for the MVP demo.

The YouTube video explains how you can create an MVP demo video using Zoom and YouTube:

The link on Gauchospace is where you upload the link to your demo when it is complete. The video may be public, or “unlisted”, as you see fit. Links to videos will be shared with the class, but the class is asked not to share links to non-public videos (unlisted videos) with people other than enrolled students and course staff.

Your video should be no longer than 5 minutes and should follow the instructions given in, which are repeated here:

Demo from your prod app

Your demo should be from your production app (prod on Heroku), not from a version deployed on localhost.

Students in the class, as well as Instructors/TAs/LAs should be able to visit your production link and try out the app after watching your video.

So, make every effort to have your production version ready to go with a stable MVP on Thursday.

Additional notes about the MVP demo

  1. Features beyond MVP are fine Note that if you have moved your production version on master “beyond” your MVP, that’s fine; as long as it contains all of the MVP functions. If you are time restricted, you can focus the demo just on the MVP features and “save” the rest for later.

  2. Broken master is a problem. You can fix with a temp-prod branch.
    If your master branch is currently “broken” in some way that makes it impossible to do a decent demo from your prod Heroku app, then here’s a quick fix:

    • (a) find an earlier commit that isn’t broken
    • (b) give that commit a branch name temp-prod for example
      • use: git checkout -b temp-prod
      • then git reset --hard a1b2c3d4 where a1b2c3d4 is the sha of the commit that’s good;
      • then git push origin temp-prod -f
    • (c) redeploy your prod app using temp-prod instead of the master branch.

    If you do this, please disclose that you are demoing from temp-prod and not master in your lab02 submission so that we aren’t confused when evaluating your MVP.

    It’s not ideal, but it won’t be a major deduction. It’s better than demoing a broken master branch.

  3. A demo from localhost is better than nothing, but isn’t really an MVP demo. If you absolutely cannot do a meaningful demo from your production app, then you may demo from localhost as a last resort, rather than offering no demo at all. However, that will result in a lower grade; a localhost app isn’t really “viable” in the sense that you can’t put it in the hands of customers.