lab09 : Ops Review

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lab09 true Ops Review Tue 05/26 03:30AM Mon 06/01 11:30AM

Ops Review

In lab05 you prepared written instructions, and a video for your team’s project that described how to start with only your team’s source code repo, and finish with an production ready instance of the application up and running on Heroku.

In this lab:

Step 1: Divide up the work

As a team, you are now going to divide up the three other teams apps from your discussion section among the individuals on your team, and working as individuals or in pairs, you’ll try following the other teams instructions.

In the file team/, put in a table such as this one where you indicate how you are dividing up the reviewing. Refer to for the actual teams that are in your discussion section.

# Deployment Testing
Our team: s0-t1-ride-share

Other Teams:
| Team    | Who is reviewing |
| s0-t2-covid-19 | Alice, Bob       |
| s0-t3-restaurant-reviews | Chris, Danny |
| s0-t4-dog-sitting | Ellery |

Step 2: Obtain and Grant GitHub repo access

For each team, there will be a repo that has the name of the team, followed by DEPLOY_FEEDBACK.

For instance:

This repo is private. You will need to:

For example, if your team is s0-t1-ride-share, and your team has broken up the other teams in your section as follows:

Team Who is reviewing
s0-t2-covid-19 Alice, Bob
s0-t3-restaurant-reviews Chris, Danny
s0-t4-dog-sitting Ellery

Then Alice and Bob need to ask the s0-t2-covid-19 team for:

Chris, Danny and Ellery would do likewise for the teams to which they are assigned.

You can make these requests by joining the Slack group of the team for which you are reviewing. Also monitor your own channel for requests from other teams to make your repos available.

To grant access you’ll need the github id’s of the folks from the other team (which you can obtain using the /whois @ScreenName command on the course Slack.)

To grant access, you visit the Settings Page of the repo, then Manage Access (url is /settings/access).

Step 3: Create Stub for your Feedback

To make these instructions concrete:

  1. Go to the -DEPLOY-FEEDBACK repo for the team you are supposed to provide feedback for (e.g. s0-t3-restaurant-reviews-DEPLOY-FEEDBACK)
  2. Create a file with the name of your own team (e.g. in the root of the repo. You can just do this directly in the web ui on the master branch.
  3. In this file, put the following template (substituting in your name(s) and team name):

    # Feedback from team
    Review by Chris and Danny
    (Review in progress--leave this line here until review is final)
    TODO: Insert review here

Step 4: Actually try deploying the app

Each of you should then try deploying the app from the other discussion sections assigned to you.

If possible, call your Heroku app: cs48-s20-s0-t2-tries-t1, where:

You may need to create Auth0 or Google credentials, MongoDB credentials, other API credentials, etc.

As you do, follow the instructions provided in the writeup and/or the video.

As you run into issues and/or problems, document these, and also work with the other team to try to resolve them.

As you edit, leave this line as the top of yoru review until the final step of the lab:

   (Review in progress--leave this line here until review is final)

Step 5: Finish your review

When you are done, provide a brief writeup in which you provide:

Then, turn to some comments about the app itself. Please address the following questions, plus anything else you think would be helpful for the team that is working on the app:

Step 6: Notify the other team that your review is finished via Slack.

When your review is finished remove the line:

(Review in progress--leave this line here until review is final)

And replace it with:

Review Complete

Then notify the team whose deploy instructions and app you were reviewing, via Slack, that your review is complete.


Note: “In a timely fashion” in the items above means “during the lecture or section in which this assignment is made, or within a few hours afterwards”; this is based on the fact that time will be given during class to complete these tasks.