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lect12, Mon 04/27

Monday Section: standup, sprint planning


Homework H04 / H05


For those on the next.js path, this repo’s “closed PRs” may have some useful content:

Each one shows how to do just one thing with a next.js repo. For example:

More to come, plus some explanation


By Thursday, the production site (linked to from lab01 instructions) should clearly be a placeholder for your app, and not just demo code.

If you need help with knowing how to proceed with that, today is a good day to identify that as a need.

Later today, there is an exercise where, as a team, you’ll identify support you need from the staff.


Sprint Goal

This is the goal your team is focused on between now and next Monday, May 4. It might be:

The sprint goal is usually short and high level, not a long list of things.
At most it might be three things, but usually just one or two.

Decide on what your sprint goal is. Then, document it in the file team/, as described below.

Content of team/

Create a file called team/; you can just push this directly to the master branch right in the GitHub web interface.

In it, put the content below, replacing the parts in (parens) with appropriate content.

# Status, Monday 04/27/2020

## Sprint Goal for Monday 04/27 through Monday 05/04

(fill it in here)

## Brief description of MVP

(Describe what your MVP does for a user; set the expectations not too high and not too low. This should be written 
in informal language; the audience is someone, e.g. a fellow CS48 student, or any random UCSB student, that is going
to try out your MVP app.   Include everything they need to know, or a pointer to what they need to know, so that
they know what to do with your app.    For example, if the app plays the "mafia game" or "poker", include enough
detail of the game *or* a *link to a description of your game* so that a user will understand your app.)

## Production App placeholder

(Enter a link here to your production app, e.g. <>)

(Then Enter only one of these)

* Team has completed production app placeholder
* Team is on track to complete production app placeholder by noon Thursday (04/30/2020)
* Team needs help to be able to complete production app placeholder by noon Thursday (04/30/2020)

(If help is needed, specify here where the team is stuck.)

## MVP Status

(Enter only one of these)

* Team has completed all stories for MVP
* Team is on track to complete all stories for MVP by noon a week from Thursday (05/07/2020)
* Team is concerned that it might not be able to complete MVP by noon a week from Thursday (05/07/2020)

(If applicable, include items below.)

What obstacles remain to completing MVP:
* List them as bullet items

Support that would be helpful from course staff to completing MVP
* List ideas as bullet items

## (Include anything else your team thinks is important to document)

(Choose an appropriate heading or headings.  These might include:)

* (Unresolved application design issues)
* (Unresolved technical issues)
* (Key obstacles to future iterations (beyond MVP))

If you complete this, the rest of your time is your teams to use as you see fit.