Previous Lecture lect28

lect28, Thu 06/04

Final Thursday Lecture:


Applications for 190J and Paid Learning Assistants

ESCI Reminder (Course Evaluations)

You are likely getting many reminders from the automated system about course evaluations (ESCIs). I would like to also remind you to please take a moment to enter your feedback about the course. It is very important.

Response rate as of 1:48pm 06/04/2020:

Lecture Time Course ID Enrollment Count Surveys Completed Percent Completed
TR 3:30pm CMPSC 48 0200 44 25 56.82%
TR 5pm CMPSC 48 0100 37 12 35.14%

See reminders from Tuesday’s lecture about:

One lesson learned:

Note for lab10: Add some notes on testing in Part 2

I encourage you to add a section in part 2, your programmers guide, that describes your testing approach.

What I mean is, to add a few sentences or bullet points that describe:

This doesn’t have to be super long or detailed; just a high level description.

Time to work with your teams

Final Thoughts

I have been really pleased with what I’ve been seeing when I stop in your groups.

Here’s the course description for CS48, turned into a bullet list:

Team-based project development. Topics include

  • software engineering and professional development practices,
  • interface design,
  • advanced library support
  • techniques for team-oriented design and development
  • testing and test-driven development
  • software reliability and robustness.

Students present and demonstrate final projects.

Note that “web development” isn’t on the list; we learned some of that, but that was a means to an end.

We’ve touched on all of the topics in the list, admittedly emphasizing some more than others.

Where I see some real mastery is:

I pop in on breakout rooms and I hear you talking about different feature branches and pull requests, QA and production, front-end and back-end, issues, acceptance criteria and your kanban board.

I no longer hear “student teams”. What I hear is the sounds of software industry professionals at work.

I’m really proud of what we’ve accomplished this quarter. I hope you are too.