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lect07, Wed 01/29
Projects and Retrospective
Announcements: Project Deliverable Grading Component:
Here is the point percentage breakdown for grading that the TAs and I plan to use for the “Final Product” 35% of the course grade.
- 15% Presentation
- 5% Idea, and Idea Refinement
- 25% Functionality, Quality (Reliability & Polish)
- 15% Technical Difficulty Implemented
- 20% Implementation
- 10% Design Process
- 10% Manual
We will cross-reference against both an initial quartiling judgment averaged among the evaluators, and against a ranking stemming from peer-review
Submit final project materials and documentation:
- Complete code for your project. You can use any publicly available libraries / code / artwork / materials as long as you correctly acknowledge all sources.
- Manual for your product. Document that describes how the product is to be used. Please make use of screen shots here to document all functionality.
- Documentation of your programming effort and your design process. This should be a separate document, giving an overview of the different steps you went through and presenting all documentation materials you produced on the way. This may include:
- All external resources you used / consulted for your project. Documentation of the different stages of your design (see above, with additional material, e.g. sketches, mockups, questionnaires, etc.)
- Evaluation/Testing results (qualitative, quantitative). There should be a description on when and how testing took place, and a presentation of the results.
- A summary of your design decisions and what they were based on.
- Any implementation difficulties you encountered and how you addressed them.
Project Presentation: Every group has 10 minutes plus Q&A.
- Retrospective:
- Preparation of lab03
- Look-ahead to lab04
- Class standup and other Scrum coordination. Preparing Sprint02.
- Software Development Process: waterfall, spiral, evolutionary: agile/extreme
Class slides:
We covered the following:
Electronic Handouts:
- Retrospective:,
- Sprint Meetings:
- Scrum Artifacts: