lab00 : Deployment Practice

num ready? description assigned due
lab00 false Deployment Practice Mon 04/13 04:00PM Wed 04/22 11:59PM

In this individual lab, you will practice deploying a web app to the cloud using the stack that your group has chosen.

Purpose: To ensure that each member of the team is familiar with how to deploy the chosen technology stack

Each member of your project team should complete the appropriate version of this lab as an individual

You’ll start with a few steps that are common to both versions of the lab.

You’ll the continue the lab with steps specific to your technology stack.

Step 1: Create a repo

Create a new github repo in the ucsb-cs48-s20 organization (not under your own github id).

The name of the repo should be your githubid, followed by _lab00

The repo should be:

The reason we are creating an empty repo is that we’ll be pulling in starter code from another repo in a later step.

Here is what that should look like:

creating cgaucho_lab00 under ucsb-cs48-s20

Step 2: Decide where you will work

Your next step is to decide whether you are going to work:

Here are some of the pros and cons:

Location Pros Cons
Your own machine Less likely to run out of disk space Must install software
CSIL No need to install software May run out of disk space, especially for Next.js

Notes for running locally

Note for running on CSIL

Step 3: Install Git

Skip this step if you are working on CSIL; git comes pre-installed.

If you decide to work locally, you’ll need at least git on your local machine.

When you can type git --version at the command prompt on your system, and it shows a version rather than an error such as command not found, you are ready to proceed.

Step 4: Configure git

You may skip this step if you’ve already configured git on the machine where you are working.

Step 4a: Configure name and email

When you use git to add commits to a project, it attaches your name and email to the commit as part of the metadata.

To configure this, type the following commands, substituting in your name in place of Your Name and your email in place of

git config --global "Your Name"
git config --global

Step 4b: Configure ssh keys

Configuring ssh keys for GitHub allows us to allows us to avoid having to type in our git password many times per session. So while not strictly required, it is highly recommended. All further instructions in the course will assume you have done this step; if you don’t, you’ll need to adjust the instructions to use https based urls instead of the SSH based ones that start with

To configure your SSH keys for GitHub, follow these instructions.


Step 5: Clone your repo

Now, cd in the directory where you plan to do your work for this course (e.g. perhaps ~/cs48), type this command to clone your empty repo into that directory. In place of repo-url-goes-here, copy the URL for the new repo you created. That will be, for example: but with cgaucho replaced with your GitHub id.

git clone repo-url-goes-here

That should create a new empty directory (well, almost empty) called lab00-cgaucho. Use cd lab00-gaucho to put yourself i that directory.

If you then type ls -a you’ll see that the directory is not completely empty. It contains a .git subdirectory, which is how you know that this is a git repo rather than an ordinary directory.

You are ready now to switch to the file that contains the specific instrucitons for different versions of the lab, depending on your technology stack.

Next Steps

For the remainder of the lab, there are two different versions of the instructions, depending on the technology stack chosen.

Stack Detailed Instructions Deployment Platform
Spring Boot (Java) lab00_sb Heroku
next.js (JavaScript) lab00_nj