lab06 : Storybook

num ready? description assigned due
lab06 true Storybook Mon 05/18 12:00PM Thu 05/28 03:30PM

React Storybook

This lab deals with React Storybook, a tool for cataloging, documenting and testing React components.

For teams that are not using React, alternative lab06 instructions are provided at the links below:

Example Storybooks

Here are some example storybooks from CS48 sample code:

Storybook Repository
project-idea-reviewer-nextjs-storybook project-idea-reviewer-nextjs
cs48-s20-nextjs-tutorial-storybook cs48-s20-nextjs-tutorial

Lots of information about Storybook

Lots of information about Storybook can be found here:

This includes:

Your job in lab06

Minimally (for 70% credit):

Better: For 80% credit:

Even better (for 90% credit):

Best (for 100% credit):