lab08 : 2nd Iteration Demo Video

num ready? description assigned due
lab08 true 2nd Iteration Demo Video Tue 05/19 03:30PM Thu 05/21 03:00PM

lab08 is a team-based grade for the MVP demo.

The YouTube video explains how you can create an MVP demo video using Zoom and YouTube:

The link on Gauchospace is where you upload the link to your demo when it is complete. The video may be public, or “unlisted”, as you see fit. Links to videos will be shared with the class, but the class is asked not to share links to non-public videos (unlisted videos) with people other than enrolled students and course staff.

Your video should be no longer than 5 minutes.

Please mention in you presentation which features are “new” since the MVP. You can include older features in your demo if you want, or you may skip them and just focus on the new features. Do, however, remind the audience of the main purpose of your app.

Your demo should be from your production app (prod on Heroku), not from a version deployed on localhost or a qa version.

Students in the class, as well as Instructors/TAs/LAs should be able to visit your production link and try out the app after watching your video.

So, make every effort to have your production version ready to go with a stable MVP on Thursday.

Again, the priority should be end user features rather than technical/implementation details.

Unlike at the MVP demo, if you have time within your alloted 5 minutes, you may mention a few technical details, especially if they are particularly interesting (e.g. interaction with external APIs/services particular to your app.)