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lect10, Tue 04/21

Tuesday Lecture: Team Deployment

lab00 announcements

Slack tips


Decide who will lead next retro

Today’s work: Getting started with Team Deployment

It’s time for your team to spin up some “team deployments” of your new app.

You are all in different places:

Either way, you can proceed with getting a starting point web app up for your project.

At first, if you are using a MongoDB database, you may end up sharing the same database across these deployments. However, eventually, you’ll definitely want to have separate MongoDB databases for the different deployments of your app. We’ll set that up in lab02.

The details: lab01

For the details, see:

This is a group grade. You’ll make one submission for the entire group on Gauchospace.

You should see that you are now assigned to groups on Gauchospace that correspond to your teams.

If you find that you are assigned to the wrong team on Gauchospace, let us know and we’ll correct that; send a message in the #lab01 channel on the course slack

Today: Please work on lab01 as a group

If you finish, then use the time however you see fit.

If coding, please use: feature-branch/pull request workflow

If you know about how to do “feature-branch/Pull Request” workflow, you can proceed with staring to work on stories for your MVP.

(Some of you may have done that already)

We’ll discuss it in detail on Thursday, but as a quick reminder:

If this workflow is new to you, see if someone on your team knows about it and can exlain it to the team.

If your entire team is new to this workflow: