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, Tue 04/21

Tuesday Lecture: Retro2 Template

Markdown Template for Retro 2

# Retro 05/04/20

* Led by: name-goes-here
* Present: name1, name2, ... , nameN
* Absent: name1, name2, ...

## Action item

* a goal: identify something the team wants to get better at
* a change: identify one thing that the team will change about how it works together
* a measurement: identify at least one way to measure whether the change helped the team acheive the goal, or move closer to it.

## Brief description of how retro went

Retro leader fill this in.

* A brief description of what retro outline or process you used.
* A brief assessment of how it went.
* What advice would you give to the next person leading a retro
  based on what you learned today?