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lect23, Thu 05/21
Thursday Lecture: 2nd Iteration Demos
Today, we did 2nd iteration demos (lab08 deliverable).
We rolled an eight sided die to see which team would go first.
- Demos were by video (up to 5 minutes in length)
- We had 3-4 minutes for questions after each team’s demo video.
Each team was responsible to ask the first question in the presentation after theirs. (The last team to present had to ask the first question of the first team’s presentation.)
There was also a brief Gradescope assignment to complete at the end of class, where studnets were asked to rank the top two, and the next two presentations:
Gradescope Link:
- 3:30:
- 5pm:
Instructions for Gradescope assignment
You don’t need to enter things on each presentation; you are on the honor system to pay attention and keep your own notes.
But you ARE responsible for ranking the top two, and the next two, with an rationale at the end of class.
So please do pay attention and take notes.