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lect24, Tue 05/26

Tuesday Lecture: 3rd Retro, Final Sprint Planning



Week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
9 No class (Memorial Day) 5/26
Retro 3
Sprint Planning
lab05 due
Start lab09 (Ops review)
  5/28 lab06 due
New Due Date
10 6/01 Ops review due (lab09) 6/02 lab07 due
New Due Date
Finals     6/10 5pm final presentations 6/11 3:30pm final presentations  


  1. Decide who is the Sprint Planning leader, and who is the Retro leader today
  2. While Retro leader does bookkeeping updates in team/ and team/ (see bottom of page), Sprint Planning leader take care of lab09 bookkeeping.
  3. Do the Retro
  4. Do the Sprint Planning

(1) lab09 bookkeeping

For lab09, In the file team/, put in a table such as this one where you indicate how you are dividing up the reviewing. Refer to for the actual teams that are in your discussion section.

# Deployment Testing
Our team: s0-t1-ride-share

Other Teams:
| Team                     | Who is reviewing | Issue Number |
| s0-t2-covid-19           | Alice, Bob       |   65         |
| s0-t3-restaurant-reviews | Chris, Danny     |   66         |
| s0-t4-dog-sitting        | Ellery           |   67         |

The final column for “issue number” reflects the fact that you should add issues on your kanban board with titles such as those listed below, and then assign those issues to the folks that were assigend. Track these on your Kanban board like all other work in progress.

Get access needed to complete lab09

  1. Each team member, join the slack channel of the team you are reviewing. (You can leave the channel when you are done with lab09).
    • e.g. Alice and Bob join the s0-t2-covid-19 channel, Chris and Danny join s0-t3-restaurant-reviews and Ellery joins s0-t4-dog-sitting
  2. On that channel, request:
    • read access to the other teams main code repo (unless it is public already)
    • request write access to the -DEPLOY-FEEDBACK repo for the other team (e.g. s0-t2-covid-19-DEPLOY-FEEDBACK)

LATER, after class today, look at your own team’s channel. Find the person from the other team revieiwng your repo, whose repo you are reviewing. Give them the access they request.

Follow up between now and class on Thursday to ensure that you have all the access you need.

(2) Retro

Reminder that during a retro, you should gather input from everyone before starting to discuss.

It is an “anti-pattern” to just jump into discussion before gathering input.

Darby/Larsen’s five stages of a successful retro:

(3) Sprint Planning

Leader for Sprint Planning should be different from person that led the retro (see bookkeeping below)

Share screen and review Kanban board


For best results (including the best results in your final team grade) make sure there are NO REPEATS in leadership roles until each person on the team has taken a turn.