Heroku: Troubleshooting

Solutions to common problems and errors

Seeing the logs for your app

To see a continuous flow of the logs for your app:

heroku logs --tail --app app-name-goes-here

(requires heroku command line app, which is installed on CSIL. Use heroku login -i to login through a CSIL ssh session.)

When using mvn heroku:deploy

Note: this is a workflow based on including a heroku plugin in the pom.xml file.

We have not been using this workflow recently in CS56 and CS48, but some tutorials might include it, so I’m leaving this in the documentation.

Error: Could not find app name: No 'heroku' remote found.

Symptom: You use mvn heroku:deploy and see:

[ERROR] Failed to execute goal com.heroku.sdk:heroku-maven-plugin:2.0.3:deploy 
(default-cli) on project spring-boot-github-oauth-demo01: 
Failed to deploy application: Could not find app name: No 'heroku' remote found. -> [Help 1]

Possible Causes, and Solutions:

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