lab00 : Getting Started

num ready? description assigned due
lab00 true Getting Started Thu 01/09 04:00PM Fri 01/17 05:00PM

If you find typos or problems with the lab instructions, please report them on Piazza

Step 0: Find your assigned seat and locate your mentor

Seating charts are here:

Row 4pm 5pm 6pm
1 4pm-MsgOrg 5pm-Ride 6pm-Climb
2 4pm-Gold 5pm-Discord 6pm-BuySell
3 4pm-Tree 5pm-Sched 6pm-Housing
4 4pm-Synth 5pm-Game 6pm-Spotify
5 4pm-GPS 5pm-Restroom  

Step 1: Create a CoE account if you don’t have one already

We encourage you to complete all programming assignments by logging in to the machines in the Computer Science labs, or to connect remotely. To do this you will need a College of Engineering account. You can create an account online at

If you are enrolled in any CoE course this quarter (including CS48), you should be able to create your account immediately.

If you are not able to do so, you will need to contact the ECI Help Desk at

Step 2: Get setup with github and add yourself to our organization

We will be using in this course. We have created an organization called on where you can create repositories (repos) for your assignments in this course.

The advantage of creating private repos under this organization is that the course staff (your instructors and TAs) will be able to see your code and provide you with help, without you having to do anything special.

To join this organization, you need to do three things.

  1. If you don’t already have a account, create one on the “free” plan. Visit

  2. If you don’t already have your email address associated with your account. go to “settings”, add that email, and confirm that email address.

  3. Visit our Github Sign Up Tool at Navigate to Login with your account. Click “Home”, find this course (CS48, W20), and click the “Join course button”. That will automatically send you an invitation to join the course organization on github.

  4. There should be a link to the invitation for the GitHub organization for this course ( Click on the invitation link and accept it. You can also go straight to and see the invitation there (if you’re logged in). Accept the invitation that appears in your browser (from step 3) or log into your account on to accept the invitation.

Step 3: Slack channel for your team

Find your mentor. The team list is here, and it will tell you who your mentor is:

Then, ask them to add you to the Slack for the course which is:

There should be a channel there for your team. Find that channel and join it.

Step 4: Ask your mentor to create a repo for your team

First, your team must decide what language you want to use, so your mentor can choose the correct .gitignore. This choice isn’t permanent. Once you’ve communicated your choice to your mentor, they should create a repo under the organization:

Settings for repo:

Your mentor should then add one team member with admin permission, who will then add all the other team members with admin permission.

Step 5: Each of you INDIVIDUALLY now makes either a fork or branch of the repo

The next step is done as an individual

You can either:

Step 6a: Inside your fork/branch of the repo, create a file called team/

In your fork or branch, NOT on the master branch of the main repo, please do the following:

Make a directory called team. Inside this, create a markdown file named containing a brief description of you and of your ideas for the project.

Each team member should do this individually. Note that this will be publicly displayed on the course site.

Step 6b: Do a pull request from your fork/branch that has your file called team/

Do a pull request from your fork or branch to the master branch of the repo. Each team member should have done at least one pull request from their github id.

Step 7: Create your team/ file

This is a list of ideal team behaviors, e.g. everyone arrives to meetings on time or everyone starts things tasks early. You should write this as a team. Only one student needs to submit a pull request containing this file, however it is ok if there are multiple pull requests for this file. You should be careful, however to avoid merge conflicts!

The team/ file should contain all of the team norms. It is ok to “suggest” team norms in your individual team/ files, but the team, ultimately, should consolidate all of these into one team/ file.


This is a group grade. Everyone on the team gets the same grade. HOWEVER, some components of the grade required individual action. It it suggested that you work together as a team to help and encourage one other to get each part of this done.