MongoDB: NextJS Setup

Configurig your NextJS app for MongoDB

Connecting to MongoDB

To connect to MongoDB, you’ll need to do the following. (Note: if you want to have separate databases for development, qa and production, there are additional instructions after these simple ones).

Multiple Databases (for dev/prod/qa)

To use different databases for dev/prod/qa)

  1. In .env create three different variables as follows, and put in the mongodb URIs for the three databases:
    MONGODB_URI=mongodb+srv://adminuser (put in full URI of dev database here)
    MONGODB_URI_STAGING=mongodb+srv://adminuser... (put in full URI of qa database here)
    MONGODB_URI_PRODUCTION=mongodb+srv://adminuser... (put in full URI of production database here)
  2. Change the code in next.config.js to match this code:

    Before the module exports = { line, paste in this function definition. This chooses a value for the MongoDB URI from among the three provided, based on the value of another environment value, namely the value of NODE_ENV:

    function mongodb_uri() {
      if (process.env.NODE_ENV === "production") {
        return process.env.MONGODB_URI_PRODUCTION;
      } else if (process.env.NODE_ENV === "staging") {
        return process.env.MONGODB_URI_STAGING;
      return process.env.MONGODB_URI;

    Then change:

    MONGODB_URI: process.env.MONGODB_URI,


    MONGODB_URI: mongodb_uri(),
  3. Use npx heroku-dotenv push --app your-heroku-app for both prod and dev

  4. Manually set the following variable on the Heroku settings config vars:
    • Set NODE_ENV to production for the production site
    • Set NODE_ENV to staging for the QA site

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